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10 years on Youtube!

Posted by Mitch Rogers on

The BITY Youtube page is now 10 years old! We posted our first tutorial in 2006. It was a tutorial on making a Gel-10 severed hand. If you have followed our channel for a while, you might remember it.

That video went viral in a few days and we knew that youtube would be a great place to explain techniques and product applications. 10 years on, we now have over 205 videos covering a wide spectrum of applications.

Moving forward into 2017, we want your input for new content. What would you like to see? We have 100s of hours of video that has yet to be posted, but we also want your suggestions. Many of you have asked for longer, more in depth videos. Some of you have requested more FX content or more lifefacsting content.

Comment below and let us know what you would like to see. Thanks again for your loyalty to our youtube channel and to our webstore. We couldn't have done it without you! Also, be sure to take advantage of the 5% coupon "thankyou" code at the end of the video. From all of the BITY team, thanks!

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  • Would love to see a follow up video on making a full body cast. And show how to make a autopsy body. That would be cool.

    Toran on
  • Love your videos, feel free to run ads and I’ll keep watching. I’d really like to see a video on making molds for slush cast, solid masks. It’s something I’ve done 3 times now, and I still don’t have a good system that doesn’t waste a lot of materials, or cause a very uneven thickness in the final product.

    Jason C on
  • I would like to see more mold making and fabrication videos on making enclosures and things for the internet of things. I think Mold making is a great alternative for those who can’t afford a 3d printer and is also good in conjunction with one.

    Ideally I would like to see how to fabricate things from the ground up, rather than making copies of things. How to start with clay or other mediums and design custom art or enclosures for electronics with or without embedded hardware (nuts, threaded holes ect.).

    Monster making is great but its been done and overdone on youtube. I would like to see more inventive ways to use your product such as fabrication, prototyping, parts making from scratch.

    lux on
  • I LOVE U GUYS AT BITY!!!! I want to buy some silicone to make some silicone skateboard wheels and send them to a youtube channel series “you make it we skate it” (by braille skateboarding) but I’m saving up for a composite effects $670 silicone mask. If you do respond to this don’t spoil the out come if i make gel-25 with hardener skateboard wheels. I enjoy all videos you put out :)

    Ian Spiro on
  • You can add your DVD videos to vimeo or yourtube red.

    Allen on

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