Finishing Techniques
Finishing Techniques
Before any paint work can be done to a resin part, it may be necessary to fill any air bubbles that may be present. In this tutorial we explain the process of filling air bubbles with Super Glue and Baking Soda.
We recently discovered a quick method for achieving an antique copper finish over EasyFlo 60 casting resin. In this tutorial we explain the process of casting an EasyFlo 60 part pigmented with PolyColor Green. We then dry-brush Copper B metal Coating over the top to create the look of aged copper.
Once you have molded and cast a sculpture in resin or plaster, you are ready to apply a finish to your piece. In this tutorial we use Sculpt Nouveau's Prime-it and Bronze B Metal Coating along with the Sculpt Nouveau metal waxes to create a realistic antique bronze finish.
Sculpt Nouveau Metal Coatings may be used to create a wide variety of realistic metallic effects over resins as well as gypsums. In this tutorial we use Sculpt Nouveau's Silver B Metal Coating and Black Wax to create a faux silver finish on a resin piece cast in EasyFlo resin. The key to this finish is our Prime-it primer. Prime-it is designed to bond to a variety of surfaces including Polyurethane resins. Prime-it Black and Grety are both popular primers for creating realistic metallic finishes.
Sculpt Nouveau Metal coatings may also be oxidized using our Traditional Patinas. In this tutorial we use Iron B, Tiffany green Patina, and Tan Patina to achieve a realistic rusted iron finish. Again, Prime-it primer Black is used a base coating over EasyFlo resin.
Much like our Iron B, our Copper B Metal Coating may also be oxidized to create brilliant greens and blues. The following tutorial covers the basic process of applying Copper B metal coating and oxidizing it with Tiffany Green Patina. This finish was also created over EasyFlo resin using Prime-it Primer.
In the following tutorial, we explain the use of the new Darkened Iron B Metal Coating. This new version of Iron B contains black pigment as well as Iron so it may be used by itself or with minimal rust effect and still achieve a realistic Iron look. We used Light Green Patina and Tan Patina to create a rust patina.